Saturday, April 21, 2007

Phase Nine - Update #4 - Final Trim

The house is all but done now. The pictures you see below were taken today, 04/21/07, just prior to the arrival of the furniture delivery services. We spent the day getting all of the new furniture into the various rooms and place pretty much as we want them to be arranged. Photos of the furniture will be in the next update. For now, enjoy these shots of the house as it sits in its nearly completed state. Things to look for include the new driveway, sidewalk, appliances, and an overview that will clear up some of your questions about how things are laid out in our yard.

Phase Nine - Update #3 - Trim continues

Here is a quick update showing some of the continuing work that has been going on during the trim phase. Things to look for include the fact that tile, carpet, ceiling fans, and light fixtures are now installed. Work continues on the pool and the screened cage is going up on the back of the house.